Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, stalking, bullying, trolling and general disrespect. Personal attacks, aggressive messages, and passive-aggressive behavior are not acceptable. Don't act as if this is your personal playground to say exactly what you want regardless of the rules and guidelines, if someone becomes just too contentious or annoying or insulting to other members then they will be suspended from the forum.
Have some respect for each and every person on here please. Racist or sexist language will not be tolerated. Remember, not everyone that comes on here might be an adult so swearing just because you can with words not being blocked on here does not mean that it is always acceptable to everyone and so it does not mean that strong language will never be deleted and it could result in you losing your whole post.
If a user is perceived to be posting with the sole purpose of starting a squabble or hassling another poster then they will be suspended or banned. If anyone thinks they have a problem with a poster then click the Report option (in the drop-down list next to the cogwheel icon at the top of the post) and let us know, do not answer on the forum, walking away is the best response. Posts deemed to be an attempt to just be disruptive to this forum will be removed. Anyone posting just to provoke a reaction will have their posts deleted and will end up being banned if their behavior does not change.
Don't carry arguments over from other forums please. Any posts criticizing other forums or users or moderators here and elsewhere will be deleted. Also, if you have any questions about other forums or want to talk about they are doing then please go to those forums to post those questions or comments there.
Talk about anything you like, but don't post blind links without an accompanying description of what the link refers to.
If you start putting up links to dubious websites then expect to lose your account at best. Child porn links will lead to your details being forwarded to the relevant authorities.
You are all responsible for your own behavior, if you break the rules, the answer "but I was just answering back" is not an excuse.
This forum is put together by volunteers so whilst you are responsible for your own behavior, you can give us some help by letting us know if someone else is breaking the rules, do ignore them but let us know so it can be dealt with. Any moderating done on here is not to limit discussions, neither is it promote or suppress points of views. The idea is to keep the forum enjoyable for everyone to use so any help in achieving this is appreciated.
Warnings, suspension, and bans
Users who have shown themselves to be disruptive could be warned, have their account temporarily suspended, or be permanently banned. If someone tries to get round this by creating a new account then it will just result in them being banned.
Behavior that can get you suspended or banned -
Insults. Direct personal insult of another user.
Harassment. Intimidating a particular user, harassing them, sending them rude or unwanted private messages, disrupting their threads, etc.
Threats. Any threat or intimation of a threat.
Finally, our Guidelines and Forum Rules cannot cover everything so we reserve the right to edit or remove any content and take any action necessary to ensure the smooth running of the forum and the protection of all members and admin.
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